Simply Beautiful

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Do you remember Mickey Mouse's fabulous role in Fantasia? He played a wizard, and a very wise wizard at that. Wizardry, the art, or practice of using extraordinary skills, was simply an attempt to use, and explain a component of metaphysical science. Alchemy, another scientific practice during medieval times, uses components of physical science that went further in exploration. Alchemist weren't interested in controlling the weather, or some nuisance from a neighboring village. They were interested in changing common metals into gold. Later, and figuratively speaking, the Alchemists philosophy graduated into one that says, if we can take any common material and change it into gold, wouldn't we all be rich? Today's alchemist believes in plenty for all. So with that metaphor, what is gold?

By common definition, we know about gold. It's valuable and if you are in ownership of plenty, you are rich. But why were a bunch of medieval scientists wanting to turn common metals, dirt if you will, into gold? The answer? They wanted to be rich, of course! Simply, they wanted what gold could provide. But the practice of alchemy wasn't just about a bunch of guys wanting to get rich. After all, if they could discover a way to turn a farmers dirt into gold, wouldn't that benefit the farmer as well? If the alchemist could, by manipulation show the brick layer how to transform his mud into gold, would not the brick layer benefit? Alchemy is the practice of taking something common and turning it into something of more value.

So what does this have to do with you and me? I believe that whatever we believe, we can conceive. I believe that thought is energy, and what we think about, comes about. So here it is...Could all this nonsense about our economy be something we've contrived? I still wait my turn at restaurants. I still wait in lines at the grocery store. Too many tall people still sit in front of me at the movie theater. And today, I'm going to look at a jeep that I want to purchase.
And without shame, I will admit and give thanks that I am blessed.

There is still another philosophy that alchemy holds true with...if we listen to that small still voice within (I call it God), and if we share just 10 percent of our wealth with those who feed our souls, we can have whatever we want! Isn't that taking something of value and making it better?
So what do we do about our country's state of affairs? Perhaps we can begin by improving upon our own worlds. We could resist the temptation of the I can't. Do what is right. Come to think of it, isn't that what the wizard's apprentice learned?

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