Simply Beautiful

Friday, May 6, 2011


            You never know what kind of impression you make on someone. Think about it… How many times have you immersed yourself in work or activity, only to catch your mind wondering about a secret mentor, friend, teacher, or even a stranger who made an impression on you? It happens all the time; someone says something, or gives advice that you’ve been waiting for; but have you ever wondered what lessons you leave with others?
The phone rang, and like Captain Kirk, I flipped it open. “Hello?” The caller was a friend I had not heard from in years. Cynthia and I met in another life, when we were both in sales. She and I, and four other women, also in sales, use to meet every Wednesday for lunch. We called it our “Out Early” because that’s what happened; we ate, laughed, brainstormed, and soothed our souls over something chocolate, until it was time to go home. However, life evolves, and as marriages, children, career changes, and relocations ensued; our Wednesday lunches dwindled, until they simply ceased to exist.
            “Robin,” she said, “Kate and I want to have a get-together of sorts! You know...lunch!” Cynthia’s details, were meticulous with schedule and theme...always a theme. “Oh, and bring a gift. Something that represents what’s been keeping you busy all these years.” We ended our call, and I knew without a doubt, Cynthia had not changed a bit. She was still spunky, organized, and energetic, which meant that she was still slender…I was positive of that… I wondered about Kate, though. She was the quiet one, so I was surprised that it was her idea to co-host a reunion.
Kate’s home was impressive. It sat atop a hill dotted with aloe and daisies. With the car parked, via valet, I began my stroll up the meandering path sided by a trickling creek bed, spotted with more cacti in bloom. Beyond three flagstone steps, an antique marble topped table was placed strategically under an old twisted mesquite. On the table a ‘Welcome’ sign and small velvet drawstring bags lay, each one with a guests name attached. Inside were instructions indicating that all should rove around the house to the bronze iron gate. The gift bag also held a trinket, which with pleasure, I clasped around my wrist.
Lush tropical plantings bordered the path. Water features designed to look like underground streams bubbled to the surface. Around the corner, Kate, lovely as ever, and younger (how did she do that?), greeted her guests with smiles, and a glass of iced hibiscus tea.
The view of dunes that overlooked the Gila Valley was amazing. A cascade of Desert Mountains sculpted by centuries of wind framed the scene perfectly. Beside the pool, Cynthia put finishing touches of crystal cucumber-water filled goblets and buckets of chilling Almond champagne on the table. Yes…I was in the right place…
            All was lovely, and as expected, things turned wild…in a girl-woman sort of way. Laughter and elaboration of story flourished as each of us brought our gal-pals up to speed with the sads and glads of all that had grown to be. I couldn’t imagine a more perfect day, until Kate, with a tapping on her glass said, “A Toast!”
            “To my vision guided by each and every one of YOU! Blessings.” Kate spoke with elegance and gratitude thanking each of us for her success. She explained that whenever obstacles crossed her, she turned her thoughts on what Belinda or Robin would do. Or how Cynthia or Debra would arrange that. Or perhaps what Barb would say?
            I felt humbled. You see, the six of us met on Wednesday’s. Otherwise, we didn’t communicate much. We had our lives outside of work and “Out Early” was part of work, but to Kate, our lunches meant more. She valued our opinions and put them to work. For years, unbeknownst to us, our words and experiences guided Kate in her creation. We played a role in her success, and while she was thanking us for that, I was overcome with love and gratitude… I was overcome with the gift that she was giving me. Without Kate’s revelation, would I have ever known my role in someone else’s success? Remember the gift we were supposed to bring? Well, beyond the ribbon and purple striped paper, my gift that day could not compare to what had been given to me… I am forever grateful.

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